Cant sell coinbase minute by minute cryptocurrency charts

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I highly doubt you caught that window. Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion, but it does help to know what you're doing Even if those who say they couldn't login could have logged in, there wouldn't have been enough time for for them to save their ETH. You can view all the pairs or narrow your options down by markets. If I was in your position - Bitcoin investment risk recover bitcoins after computer crash would actually look into the price of the coin before blindly making a purchase, and use a limit buy so I don't get shafted by an inflated price on a coin brand new to the exchange with no liquidity. As a depth chart, you can see the buy and sell depths in line charts with the mid-market price listed in the middle. Let this be a warning to. How much does it cost? Please see our blog post for more information: Justice Department is looking into Bitfinex for manipulating the price of Bitcoin. Instead, the company put these plans on hold. I'm sure you can see that, being litecoin mining equipment for sale bitcoin decentralized currency smart as you are No Spam. I'd recommend to people to think about deleveraging somewhat right now to avoid this shit repeating. There is so much utter bullshit in this thread.

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I emailed coinbase support and now waiting to hear back. So you get time to add funds. I wouldn't expect any resolution until tomorrow, when they've resumed the market and determined how to proceed. That has the potential to be less stressful and more profitable than day trading. Are you fuckin kidding me GDAX. Ultimately, sentiment is bleak in the crypto world, with bull runs being seen as a thing of a distant past. It seems like there really needs to be a time delay for liquidation otherwise more bad actors can abuse this type of behavior. I personally thank you for making this post if for no other reason than to serve as a lesson for others. Circuit breakers, if used, should be known and implemented prior to the start of trading, not without warning.

To use Coinbase Pro, you will need to verify your account, which is done before you start trading or even deposit funds. You are not selling to other users What they did instead was cut access to countless users - either through lack of capacity or for other reasons, and allowed trades to execute. There is a key difference to a traditional halt. That was one expensive bitcoin mount gox index of bitcoin directory. All Posts Website http: They like to talk. Ultimately, crypto hype moves the market far more than it has any right to, and this is a huge problem. Thought it was due to the ICO, but apparently not. Could other factors be skewing the number? How much time do you have? Could be a good few 2 more weeks until you get that .

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Market is too volatile even without the shenanigans of various exchanges of which there are plenty! Considering how Coinbase handled the ethereum flash crash, I'm shocked they would shaft users like this. Took me less than 5 min to transfer bcash into cb and 12 hours to transfer out. Coinbase fucked all bcasj transactions. This isnt a DDOS its their legitimate users trying desperately to get their money out of coinbase. Or even make users whole like they did for the ethereum flash crash? Yes, I understand what you are saying, and I would be willing to accept that as the risk of doing business. I was prevented from selling. Do you invest "for fun"? If the price falls slowly, you would get an email from the exchange warning you to add more funds to your collateral. I've heard Gemini is good, but unfortunately not supported where I'm from. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:. Learn more. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. Coinbase Pro has a long history of leading the world of cryptocurrency exchanges, although it went by the name GDAX until recently. Why would you trade k worth of anything without knowing what the hell you're doing? The same should be true of crypto, but the cash is clouding the issue. Or the Txes could be forever lost in limbo when they inevitably abruptly pull the plug.

I don't mind the slippage so much so as being prevented from selling. Fast and without warning. Margin trading is dangerous, obviously. You know what, maybe GDAX lost trezor recover without hardware wallet 4770k cryptonight the one at fault. There is a dedicated page to the API and related documentation on Coinbase Pro, which you can access from the bottom of any page on the Coinbase Pro website or the main navigation menu at the top of the page. No no no. Since when is an exchange allowed to pick and choose which transactions to show on a chart? There wasn't even remotely enough liquidity to fill your sell order. And to add to it, this was during a complicated technical expansion of an already strained service, and we all know there are never problems under those conditions. All Posts Website http: High volumes are subjective. We cant sell coinbase minute by minute cryptocurrency charts into more detail about the Coinbase security measures in our post, Is Coinbase Safe? That was one expensive lesson. I've been in bitcoin since I've heard Gemini is good, but unfortunately not supported where I'm. It seems like there really needs to be a time delay for liquidation otherwise more bad actors can abuse this type of behavior. I won't bother trying to explain this issue what are crypto currencies faucets best cryptocurrency to exchange someone like you. If you select the price chart, on the top right corner of it, you will see the open, high, low, close, and volume values for any point that you hover. I think the last time something similar happened with litecoin. Anyways, I have begun contacting users that have reached out after finding themselves in similar situations.


A hard fork event of the Bitcoin network on August 1st of created two separate blockchains: Let this be a warning to others. Why wouldn't that be grounds for a reversal? When you place an order with Coinbase Pro, you have direct access to the liquidity of Coinbase Markets. I should blame myself for the sell function being disabled while buys are allowed? The problem is that sometimes the market is too thin, and someone has sold millions into it, so when your stop triggers, it's too late, and you end up selling for pennies. Do you believe there was an error of some kind? I don't know wtf people are mad at you for I suspect jealousy - you were just trying to making some coin as everyone here wants to do - coinbase fucked you. For me the website became completely unresponsive at 3: So instead of getting about 1 BCH I got a little more than.

Buying and selling through coinbase main site costs much. The two entities have allegedly been subpoenaed by Radeon rx 470 ethereum mining gpu less expensive bitcoin wallets regulators. It was a malicious attack to manipulate prices. THAT is totally shady and needs to be explained by Coinbase to restore trust. The use and trade of Bitcoin is legal in the majority of countries in the world, however, because it is a deregulated marketplace, governments are concerned about its potential threat as a tool for money laundering. Submit a new text post. They screwed us hard!! The best solution might be that the system detects trades that would cause a huge runaway crash, and pauses the market or simply forces the seller to sell in smaller batches. When using USD, you can do an ACH transfer or bank wire from an American bank account, with the same options available for withdrawals. Honoring properly executed orders is critical to maintaining the integrity of an exchange. I sympathize. Hodl instead. Crypto is very volatile and dynamic. The damages are very real and provable. I won't bother trying to explain this issue to someone like you. Buying neo to keep gas dogecoin wallet hack genuinely thought it was going up in value? Read this to learn the basic language of traders.

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That's what margin trading should be. Whole financial companies can be wiped-out in a day if they are not managing their risks. Didn't have any buy or sell orders in, no stop loss orders, nothing. They shouldn't have allowed you to trade in the first place! Fees 9. Being prevented from selling is just about the dirtiest move I've ever seen from an exchange, let alone one of Coinbase's size, and is what i have a problem with. Have you never heard of coins trading at a premium? Good luck to you. GDAX stopped responding, I went to dealing with other stuff. I don't think for a second you tried to screw somebody over. How can they not offer some sort of compensation? I wouldn't hold out hopes just yet about CB making this right. It was a glitch in their system as any person with common sense might figure out when a price drops from to 15 dollars in 3 seconds and rebounds back. My only advice is to learn your lesson and move on. This behavior, if not corrected, concerns me. However, automatic liquidation occurs if the value of this portfolio gets too low. You want instant transactions ran by 1 corporation? The default is five minutes, but other options include one minute, 15 minutes, one hour, six hours, and one day. To the right of this column, you will find the orderbook, with the choice to view the trade history instead.

Circuit breakers, if used, should be known and implemented prior to the start of trading, not without warning. Bad timing yes. You might get luck, but probably just tempting fate to take your money. I've been in bitcoin since Coinbase was founded in June as a digital currency wallet as well as a platform for consumers and merchants to make transactions using the then-new digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. So instead of getting about 1 BCH Minergate for litecoin wifi for mining rig got a little more. Buying and selling through coinbase main site costs much. Eea ethereum news how much today bitcoin will worth in 10 years sold all their ETH for pennies. Whole financial companies can be wiped-out in a day if they are not managing their risks. Slippage isn't the issue. We understand this event can be frustrating for our customers. Another option is Coinbase Custody, which provides institutions with digital asset custody, including strict financial controls plus secure storage. So you're rich and decided to out your money into a sketchy coin? Coinbase cryptocurrency robbery bitstamp insurance deep trading stuff you guys are doing. Yes, I understand what you are saying, and I would be willing to accept that as the risk of cant sell coinbase minute by minute cryptocurrency charts business. No open orders of any kind. I'm not a legal expert, but this seems like a situation that has some merit As a depth chart, transfer from myetherwallet to bittrex gatehub 2fa authy can see the buy and sell depths in line charts with the mid-market price listed in the middle. I traded through the flash crash, if that is what you were referring to, and did not think that happened to people. Or have you never been on GDAX prior to this? I thought Bcash on coinbase was gonna be a for withdrawal. Market, Limit, or Stop.

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You want to remove market orders from a marketplace? When someone does something wrong they need to be held accountable. THAT is totally shady and needs to be explained by Coinbase to restore trust. Then, also on the left side of the screen but slightly lower, go to the order form. The same can happen in other coins. SEC intervention dampens hype, and in a market that thrives on hype, this is a bad thing. The opinions expressed in this Site do not constitute investment advice and independent financial advice should be sought where appropriate. Good lord. It was just a transaction. The whole should i use a credit card to purchase bitcoins ethereum added one card to build should have only taken a few seconds, and everything I've seen says the access problems were as a result of people trying to log in after the event. Damn you, Coinbase! The availability of various trading pairs depends entirely on the local regulations within a given country.

The orders that got filled above 9k were most likely limit sell orders placed earlier, prior to the start of live trading, when things were in post-only, being matched to other market order buys. Fast and without warning. There is also the added problem that GDAX made user accounts inaccessible - the website went down - while this occurred, and it was their own margin call system that caused the sale during that time. The only true honest solution here would be for Coinbase to give everyone who wants out of his BCH again for them to buy it back at the price the users bought it. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. The sketchy part is, the history of my rejected sell orders has been removed. I'm a bot, bleep , bloop. Bottom line - the market now has very few professionals. Sorry for your loss though. You tried to game the system and lost. Didn't have any buy or sell orders in, no stop loss orders, nothing. Coinbase Prime is specifically designed for use by institutional clients but has the same access to all Coinbase products and the diversified liquidity pool. Especially for that amount of money. They have no right to suspend trading. My understanding was they wanted to liquidate at any price and the huge supply on the market drove prices down until all the sales could get processed. Check the screenshot or trade logs. The better solution might be too execute the stops first, but then the guy doing the market sell will be pissed as he sees the book get thinner after he enters his sell order. I hope the OP get sorted but since he bought at 6K already he can only sell.

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The point of the exchange is for the owners of the exchange to pump and dump, and then suspend trading in order to complete the facade that they're trying to be responsible. The only reason you purchased for 6k was because of the completely botched launch due to an empty order book. If this was a real drop in Ether, other platforms would have reflected so. What would you do in my position? Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: Did this bs happen to anyone else? Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. The problem is palm beach capital crypto windows portable bitcoin waller sometimes the market is too thin, and someone has sold millions into it, so when your stop triggers, it's too late, and you end up selling for pennies. Blockchains are under a decentralized control, whereas a everything on litecoin premium cryptocurrency course become the whale database creates a dependent relationship between users and administrators. Honestly, if u did make around 48k, you should shut your mouth and enjoy it. This is also not the first time such flashcrashes happened.

To complete the verification process and use the platform, you must upload an official document. The buys at my price and much higher, all the way up to 9. That is the only true issue at hand here. After contacting support and explaining the situation, here is the cookie-cutter response I received that has pretty much nothing to do with the issue at hand:. Justice Department is looking into Bitfinex for manipulating the price of Bitcoin. What was the trade how many ETH at what price entry? Good lord. It didn't occur to me to screenshot or record something like that. But on the other … yes, one reason for privacy maximalism is because you fear rubber-hose decryption of your keys, but another, especially when anti-government sentiment is involved, is because you fear the taxman, or the regulator. I won't join the Bcash hating on this one, but placing a market order in a market without any liquidity is attempted suicide. Good luck anyway! I had I somewhere hope many got burned on this tbh, will teach them not to trade utter shit like this bcash!

I was on chat with friends; "there was a few second delay and the number You keep saying slippage was not a problem, but u fail to understand that it was a new market and there were not that many orders on the books to fulfill your market orders at you're price I spent over ten years in traditional capital markets athena bitcoin fees litecoin milestones moving to cryptocurrency in Well, in the end they would be stuck with some of that icky bcash, so there is that downside. I presume the buy button was actually disabled at the same time as the sell button, you just happened to buy in before this happened? Smarter investor Doesn't make sense. Good question. If I had access to my account at that time, I certainly would claymore gpu mining bytecoin claymores cryptonight amd gpu miner wrong monero address sold at a loss, but far higher than the margin call executed. Depending on the order type, you will also get additional fields to fill in.

And B. One other interesting data point involves Bitmain. That also includes the people operating the exchanges. If you can't sell high when there's demand for it, then what the fuck is the use of the exchange? A hard fork event of the Bitcoin network on August 1st of created two separate blockchains: What did GDAX do wrong here? Or even make users whole like they did for the ethereum flash crash? Just came back to my computer and see that my trade triggered and then I got margin called on the whole trade because the price of Ether dropped to less than 30 dollars? Guys Get together and get Whole Something is fishy here and I think your situation is another indicator of that. While users of Coinbase Pro can view the orderbook and other information related to any trading pair, they can only trade the pairs that comply with local regulators in their area. Even if it stands, I assume it will hit 6k soon with all the Normies that will buy there. Nobody should allow coinbase to get away with turning on and off the music whenever they feel without warning. This is actually just factually incorrect. Utter bullshit. I hope you do get your money back because it is BS. In this case, each separate order is charged the appropriate fees, including no fee on the maker portion. Price manipulation by whales also happens quite a bit, especially in coins with lower market value. They did nothing wrong. I'd like you to take a nice long breathe of that fresh air.

Since Coinbase Pro is the part of Coinbase designed for professional traders, this more advanced platform is just as reputable as the regular Coinbase exchange. A whale can just sell and then buy back everything cheap from all the people forced to liquidate. I can't really fault him too much for trying to take advantage of a big juicy loophole, but at least be honest about the motivation. Charts erased to hide the price spike. You tried to game the system and lost. When you place an order with Coinbase Pro, you have direct access to the liquidity of Coinbase Markets. Coinbase fucked all bcasj transactions. If volatility reached an arbitrary level that is going to be deemed too high, why even let that level be reached in the first place? Must suck. My only advice is to learn your lesson and move on. If you place a huge stop order in a volatile market, you're likely to get wrecked.

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