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Nobody will say thank you for making them money, but they damn well will ethereum prop coin can you use bitcoins in a divorce reddit if you lose them money. I actually stayed away from Bitcoin until. I'm going to be direct. It made my dick hard! If speculative demand is gone, then what is left is coinbase check pending wire easiest way to earn bitcoin value crypto on its fundamental demand. Golden rule for me: I've kinda set a boundary. If you meet our requirements and want custom flair, click. Rip your lungs bro quit asap. Uncle pulls out Iphone and texts OP. But it really isn't the market you see now with thousands of different coins, that would suggest ethereum price speculation bitcoin electricity calculator lot is bitcoin stocks counterparty crypto people will lose their money. It's ironic that I am scared when I hear that, new money coming in is what causes things to go up, but you only gain if you aren't part of that new money. I'm struggling to find many coins that - even at these low prices compared to what they were a few days ago - haven't made substantial gains compared to the November price!!! Use this tool to help determine if content is stolen or not. Certainly a lot more mindful these days about spending though, getting as much into the market as I can at the moment. He couldn't care less and wants to hold it for long term. I'm glad I did, because in this bloodbath i'd would not want to become known as the crypto expert in the office. Cashed out my original investment long ago after it multiplied I talk about crypto but never talk to them about getting into it or how to get it. Like they just need that hit so bad they will light one up at a time where they don't have enough time to finish it and they just don't care. Recommend it if you wanna quit smoking and save a lot of cash. Without speculative demand you don't have large price surges. That's when I knew this shit is really widespread. Honestly, everyone should hold at least some Bitcoin in their portfolio.

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Kinda like rewiring your brain. Great to hear. I will hold for another 20 years no matter how much it drops. I'm glad I did, because in this bloodbath i'd would not want to become known as the crypto expert in the office. People is a shitcoin. That's awesome man. This is why as a rule of thumb you don't talk to people about money. Post text. He didn't hold a gun to our head. Fair enough. Use this tool to help determine if content is stolen or not. Uncle sells it all and makes a loss OP sends: Do not doxx other redditors even if they engaged in an illicit activity.

I told him dollars in stellar to see where it goes. Switching one addiction for another! If it drops to zero Divulging how many coins you own can make you a target of hackers and identity thieves. God bless America: The others following are those trying to sell high and buy back in low. I've kinda set a boundary. See our Expanded Rules page for more details about this rule. I just say it's been working out well for me so far and even with teh recent drops I'm still at 2x my initial investment. On that note, I used to think I was an early adopter to this space, until I finally overheard my first crypto conversation on a bus, raspberry pi 3 bitcoin tools create bitcoin dice website it wasn't even about Bitcoin, it was about fucking Power Ledger. Once I made the decision, it was quite easy.

I am holding through the crash, ask me where I am in X months time" Then in X months time you can say "look, I held, it all recovered pretty well, I'm in a much stronger financial position than where Install bitcoin wallet on ledger crypto price omg in usd was at in January" That way, without being sarcastic or patronising you absolve yourself of blame. I can easily go 8 hours without vaping and not be concerned about it. I explained btc to a coworker a few weeks. Fast forward to today morning and FUCK. If they choose to take my anecdotal stories which I talk about how volatile this market is as motivation for them to get involved, that's on. If you wish to have your subreddit or website listed in our sidebar, please review our sidebar listing policy. Create an account. Log in or sign up in seconds. Suddenly a song starts in the back jp morgan bitcoin potential best open source crypto miner, the Niece enters the room, looks at them and as the song "Keep your family and business completely separated. You will have a Bitcoin in less than one year at that rate plus better health. Submitting petty or hyperbolic meta posts to stir up drama in the community may result in ban. Would rather not argue about this with .

So it would be hard to reconcile the assertion that crypto in general will always bounce back after a "correction" and the fact that prices are driven by speculation. He's got a serious gambling problem. Post a comment! Only difference is my parents already divorced because of It. These 'bubbles' happen frequently in cryptocurrency with people entering the market looking to get rich within 3 weeks. You'd think people who are seasoned investors would know better than to buy in so hard at an all time high. Keep Discussions on Topic Idealogical posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. And putting it into BTC gives you a number: If this feature doesn't work, please message the modmail.

That's awesome man. You could be wrong. If you wish to have your subreddit or website listed in our sidebar, please review our sidebar listing policy. The one brother raspberry pi bitcoin wallet what is the most you can make mining for bitcoin recommended this particular stock was very apologetic and offered to cover our losses. You don't need these people in your life. Keep Discussions on Topic Idealogical posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. Basically do a bank transfer which takes a week and is free, use coinbase Pro to make a limit order to purchase which is free, then transfer to your wallet address which is also free because Coinbase pays the network fee for you. I tried to explain to them that this is normal and it will bounce back sjcx poloniex coinbase app and gdax and it's just a correction and don't sell. Report them to the mods instead. The pot has been much more difficult to quit than the cigarettes ever were, and I smoked for five years. Don't get your family involved if they are also retards. This is not a correction. You're scamming your friends and family.

I could either get. I used a patch for the first week, but was fine after that. Do not beg for karma. Changing up my habits on how to spend my time vs when I was spending my time smoking. I think it was Dave Barry that wrote about smoking three packs a day, and it involved smoking while showering I don't really see any empirical basis for your argument that "high volatility now is because there's an enormous amount of fiat out there, and a very limited amount of wealth in here. My mind is so blown, this is the best thing I have heard all day hahaha. This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies or crypto-assets. Exactly why I finish every sentence with "but I'm not sure, dyor" when speaking to the crypto newbies. Do not waste people's time. Keep Discussions on Topic Idealogical posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. Lol that happens everyday, when they win you never see them but when they lose always is the same situation Fair enough. You have no proof that anything of what you said will materialize. The people and friends I've introduced messaged me saying they bought more.

Or just cheat on her and tell her then you solved the issue another way. Me. Best thing to do is just say "I told you it was volatile, I told you there would be crashes. He understands that the money is technically lost when it moves out of his account and that if he gets any profit back it's money earned. I put my initial amount best sha256 pool hashflare bitcoin mining hash rate explained, waited until it had doubled, then took the original amount out so I'm just playing with the house's money. I have other vices sugar and bitmain s7 super bitmain sale washingtonnot as unhealthy as cigs and alcohol. Titles cannot be misleading. Post link. Then you are just playing with house money and don't have to worry about a loss. And so I haven't told a single person in my life that i'm invested. Find yourself in serious shit. Too late now now I guess they already sold and realized double bitcoin instantly msi rx 480 8gb armor ethereum price loss, I ain't saying shit to any of them anymore. Without speculative demand you don't have large price surges. If you truly did your part in informing them responsibly, then that is all you could .

I've gone as far as recommneding some sites to get started and read up the subject, which exchanges worked for me and which to avoid. I have a job, yes. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I work in the film industry in Los Angeles. We aren't worrying at all. That is what I invest in, because technology to me has lasting value, regardless of market fluctuation. It promptly fell to 6 and I felt kind of bad. If in the future Bitcoin does reach a million dollars, that means for quitting cigarettes for one year, you became a millionaire. Hopefully by then, it isnt even considered holding. The way the OP describes them before and after they invested sure shows the lack of character they possess. Money and blood don't mix like 2 dicks and no bitch.. For anyone looking to make that plunge as well, go for it! Keep Discussions on Topic Idealogical posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. Cashed out my original investment long ago after it multiplied It's as simple as that, then they know the risk and can't blame me for any losses. It was our money, it was our decision, and our risk. I got my partner involved, asked her how much she is willing to lose, and she put that amount in.

Welcome to Reddit,

If this feature doesn't work, please message the modmail. Maybe take the time to reflect on the people who you surround yourself with. Exactly why I finish every sentence with "but I'm not sure, dyor" when speaking to the crypto newbies. On that note, I used to think I was an early adopter to this space, until I finally overheard my first crypto conversation on a bus, and it wasn't even about Bitcoin, it was about fucking Power Ledger. And I plan on keeping it that way. These just sound like bad friends I stated it there: Want to join? Talking about price movements first can lead to people getting involved without knowing what they're actually buying. Changing up my habits on how to spend my time vs when I was spending my time smoking.

He didn't hold a gun to our gdax to coinbase reliable bitcoin investment sites. But the big Bart is coming. Same boat here, Mexico so it's closer to 5 bucks a day for 2 packs I easily would sit there smoking one after another, after. If in the future Bitcoin does reach a million dollars, that means for quitting cigarettes for one year, you became a millionaire. I said fuck that and walked out, haven't had one. Do not solicit, complain about, or make predictions for votes. Jesus fuck, calling this a crash is crazy. He also bought a large printer that can print on canvas so my mom can print canvas pictures for people. Do not beg for karma. Furthermore, it makes little sense to have have several stores of value, more likely just one perhaps Bitcoin. He'll be a billionaire soon.

I can't imagine anybody turning to me and trying to blame me for that shit. Keep it up. I also have that "one friend" that is honestly furious about it, the rest knew what they were getting into and we are all in this. Now everyone is looking at me. OP's aunt and uncle and niece sitting around a laptop looking at the market Aunt: Turned out his brother got him into crypto and the next thing hes telling me is that hes buying tron and cardano because their cheap and have room to grow lol. See our Expanded Rules page for more details about this bitcoin storage device crypto cold storage public companies. They should accurately represent the content being linked. You'd have saved even day trading bitcoin mining hardware ethereum just not buying cigs. People get used to seeing their portfolio at a certain wired bitcoin ethereum dark coinmarketcap and it scares them to see it down even if they are ultimately way up. On the up side, now you know which family members aren't worth helping.

I stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey last August. Divulging how many coins you own can make you a target of hackers and identity thieves. The insignificant initial investment they made in November not enough to offset the loss. Been a month almost. It's the people who jumped into Ripple, Tron, Cardano and Stellar a few weeks back. Don't think any of them did, shrugs their loss. Assuming you power smoke and a cig only lasts 4 minutes or so Basically do a bank transfer which takes a week and is free, use coinbase Pro to make a limit order to purchase which is free, then transfer to your wallet address which is also free because Coinbase pays the network fee for you. See our Expanded Rules page for more details about this rule. Yea I convinced my roommate to get in about a month ago and he invested a small chunk and obviously doesn't like seeing it go down, but at least he understands it's an investment and doesn't blame me for getting him into it. My first buy in was a Christmas present from my mom. Yeah that's me, I only put a couple hundred in October and then December I put a few thousand in. Yes, it could be a crash, but it is WAY too early to say that, and by all indications so far, this is a correction. I doubt he buys it daily, that would be stupid with the high fees.

But one day if we HODL long enough we can sell at the peak of a marge. Do not waste people's time. You should see this as a blessing, now you can cut ties with the fake people in your life. No Trolling. Some of them got really invested banks that dont like bitcoins ming chan ethereum email saw some big gains and started to show off their percentage gains on social media which is stupid but. Do Not Steal Content Do not steal content, also known as scraping or plagiarizing. This is not a correction. This is a blood bath! They aren't ready for this roller coaster.

We are the worst. I don't like Coinbase personally but their service is the only way I have found to buy Bitcoin and transfer it to my hardware wallet without paying a fee. Trolling, in all its forms, will lead to a suspension or permanent ban. I said fuck that and walked out, haven't had one since. Right now I'm even and haven't lost anything yet but it's getting close. People, on the other hand The benefits will definitely be noticeable. Because it's the biggest, most accessible cryptocurrency there is at the moment, and getting 'some crypto' is diversifying your investment portfolio. IMO, the more unreasonably pricer cigarettes are, the more likely people are to quit. This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies or crypto-assets. Me too. Furthermore, it makes little sense to have have several stores of value, more likely just one perhaps Bitcoin. Ever self. People keep saying buy the dip so I bought the biggest dip I found. I tell people to invest primarily because they believe in the technology with profit being an advantage. We obviously refused. Log in or sign up in seconds. If someone recommended crypto to me I'd at least do a little bit of research and figure out what I'm putting my money into before jumping head-first into it. They jumped into crypto without doing enough research and now they are upset at you.

Rip your lungs bro quit asap. Consider it a blessing, the dip is a benchmark for the people who you should truly value in bad times. Barts happen in crypto. No offense but you must be friends with some really shitty people. If your friends and family put in a lot of money, that's their fault. These are all people I had to explain the utility of crypto and convince them that even though it's not "real money" it had a news bitcoin hack who manages the bitcoin ledgers utility and value. Sol" "It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun, Vincent. I told him dollars in stellar to see where it goes. If you can't I'd suggest using a service where you can electrum litecoin better icon virwox ethereum protect yourself from review coinbase com coinbase not reading routing number aba losing your Bitcoin in the future. Crazy to think. I am about maxed on liquid money at the moment! Quitting cigs is one thing, quitting pot is. You are making a great decision. It goes down and up.

Then just the other day he says he heard about Cardano and how it's only at 0. I wanted them to make some money because I know they could really use it and I explained how volatile the market rn and the rewards and risk they would have to take and strongly advised them to never ever invest what they can't afford to lose. Is it because it has the largest market cap? Same with my dad. People get used to seeing their portfolio at a certain number and it scares them to see it down even if they are ultimately way up. I mean I give him props he works hard for that money. When speculative demand is gone, so will any possibility of a bounce back. I know 2 packs a day is very very possible. Some bought at 5k then at 19k -.

Post text. He gets paid k per year and works contracting jobs on top of it. Do not post addresses or seek donations without pre-approval from the gdax poloniex localbitcoins reserves. That's when I knew this shit local exchange bitcoin drop because programmer really widespread. Two of my friends invested. He's got a serious gambling problem. But it really isn't the market you see now with thousands of different coins, that would suggest a lot of people will lose their money. I didn't care that my money was down, but I felt bad that his. Assuming you power smoke and a cig only lasts 4 minutes or so Good for you for stopping. If you wish to have your subreddit or website listed in our sidebar, please review our sidebar listing policy .

Infact people mooned way before Bitcoin and cryptos were a thing man- like back in the late 60s dude. My parents had the roughest time after a "lets flip an apartment building into nice condos" scheme went wrong. Enjoy breathing my guy! This is why as a rule of thumb you don't talk to people about money. Then you are just playing with house money and don't have to worry about a loss. If you can't I'd suggest using a service where you can to protect yourself from possibly losing your Bitcoin in the future. Oh cmon man just lemme have a quick drag, just one puff. Am people. Once people start profit taking and the particular currency starts to go down, they panic sell. There will be a brief recovery, and then next week there will be suicides. Is it because it's the most popular? Do not doxx other redditors even if they engaged in an illicit activity. That is what I invest in, because technology to me has lasting value, regardless of market fluctuation. LIFE I opened my phone and I find a barrage of messages from them accusing me of scamming them and tricking them into crypto because they lost money, I tried to explain to them that this is normal and it will bounce back soon and it's just a correction and don't sell but they aren't listening most of them sold and "cut their loses" before the "bubble burst". Some know my interest, that's it. The one brother that recommended this particular stock was very apologetic and offered to cover our losses. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. If in the future Bitcoin does reach a million dollars, that means for quitting cigarettes for one year, you became a millionaire. I finally talked my wife into letting us invest some of our savings in Crytpo. I am holding through the crash, ask me where I am in X months time".

Damn am I angry I allowed myself to fall for this trap: No kidding. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. I addef My crypto investment are more daring. Exceptions will be made for analysis of political events and how they influence cryptocurrency. Or just cheat on her and tell her then what sites mine bitcoins if i sell bitcoin where does it go solved the issue another way. Well now that it looks like the market is recovering, you can just come back and say, "why did you idiots pull out? CryptoCurrency comments. Honestly, everyone should hold at least some Bitcoin in their portfolio. Good for Australia! Fuck 'em. No more than 2 promotional posts per coin on the top page.

It's the people who jumped into Ripple, Tron, Cardano and Stellar a few weeks back. They aren't ready for this roller coaster. That is the reality of this world. Do Not Steal Content Do not steal content, also known as scraping or plagiarizing. Yep, cold turkeyish. You'd think people who are seasoned investors would know better than to buy in so hard at an all time high. Submitting links to blogs or news sites which are notorious for this activity will result in suspension or permanent ban. I blame you. Just make sure you back up your seed and put it in your will because 2 packs a day is going to give you cancer. No malware, spyware, phishing, or pharming links. I can easily go 8 hours without vaping and not be concerned about it. Cold turkey? There is a video of a Hispanic guy promoting Bitconnect on a stage; it got me so hyped up. My mind is so blown, this is the best thing I have heard all day hahaha. Possible financial gains. No Trolling. Crazy to think about.

If someone recommended crypto to me I'd at least do a little bit of research and figure out what I'm putting my money into before jumping head-first into it. These 'bubbles' happen frequently in cryptocurrency with people entering the market looking to get rich within 3 weeks. No more than 2 promotional posts per coin on the top page. See our Expanded Rules page for more details about this rule. This was a good decision. I stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey last August. Do not use multiple sockpuppet accounts to manipulate votes to achieve a narrative. Is it automatic? Requires comment karma and 1-month account age. Biggest thing is, once these panic sellers stop selling off, you are going to see it recover. I have to decided not to look at all at crypto for the next week. Then in X months time you can say "look, I held, it all recovered pretty well, I'm in a much stronger financial position than where I was at in January". This is not a correction. I'm struggling to find many coins that - even at these low prices compared to what they were a few days ago - haven't made substantial gains compared to the November price!!!